Presentation Result Optimization
The ultimate framework to empower presenters with the presentation skills, mindset, and workflows. Achieve optimal results with our presentation training and coaching programs.
Presentation Training and Coaching
Countless times a day, presentations leave behind thousands in unrealized revenues, negatively impact brands and audiences, stifle decision-making, and steal time away from other critical responsibilities.
The Presentation Result Optimization framework revolutionizes presentation methods, skillsets, and ecosystems by infusing strategy and purpose, employing a structured formula and workflow, and emphasizing results and accountability. Equipping leaders, teams, and conference speakers to go beyond giving presentations to giving resultations.
The PRO Framework
How it works
The approach applied to presentation clarity defines whether you’ll give standard presentations or brilliant results.
Phase One of the PRO framework includes an audit of current presentations and an assessment of presenters’ delivery skills. These exercises provide the clarity needed to recommend areas of opportunity and skill improvement in presentation design and delivery.
Phase One continues as current presentations are updated or new ones are created using my trademarked blueprint approach.
The Be Brilliant Blueprint is not a simple fill-in-the-blank document or basic presentation training and coaching session.
- It's a templatized technique for clarifying goals and purpose, researching your audience, and determining evidence of success.
- It strategically binds the presentation's call to action to desired results, the audience, and your content.
- It's the stop-gap needed to ensure presentations get the job done.
Consistently, clients tell me Phase One includes approaches and exercises they never heard of or used before. And once implemented, it is a game-changer! One client said, “I wish we would have met 30 years ago when I started my career. You would have saved me so much time, energy, stress, and poor results!”
How it works
Once you clarify, it is time to CREATE. This typically means opening a laptop and pecking around at your slides. Stop! That workflow isn’t efficient! It leads to poor content structure, an over-reliance on scripts, and too many words on slides.
In Phase Two of the PRO framework, you learn a workflow proven to streamline the development process. My trademarked creation formula is the hack to well-designed presentations.
Step 1: Complete the Be Brilliant Blueprint mentioned in Phase One.
Step 2: Sketch your slides using my Storyboard Slide Sketch tool. Doing so forces you to see the 10,000-foot view of the presentation and create better presentations.
Step 3: Create slides using the storyboard as a roadmap. Clients can choose from creating the slides on their own (DIY), doing them together (DWY), or having them created for you (DFY).
Phase Two is where most presenters start and spend most of their time. While this phase is essential, it should be the quickest. The bulk of time, energy, and focus should be dedicated to phases one and three.
How it works
Let’s get real! The previous two phases are nearly pointless if you cannot CAPTURE your audience and move them to act. Holding yourself accountable to results means not ignoring rehearsals.
Phase Three of the PRO framework is focused on practice and accountability, as they are vital to boosting confidence and achieving results. And frankly, it’s the biggest misstep presenters make – not practicing enough, not practicing correctly, and not tracking results.
Through years of working with over 1000 presenters, I know the secret to meaningful practice. A three-pronged layered approach I call 1-2-3 to Mastery.
Practice 1: Master your storytelling, verbal variance, and word choice.
Practice 2: Layer in nonverbal details and
master your body language and facial expressions.
Practice 3: Layer on any technical elements
and master audience interactions, props, and body movement.
Mastering your presentation delivery skills requires you to master this practice regimen. In Phase Three, you’ll go through the regimen with support, coaching, and feedback from me. You’ll uncover your natural presentation style, learn to leverage it to your advantage, and become the presenter you’ve always wanted to be! As you give presentations, Phase Three continues with accountability and results metric tracking. We review and track results, identifying where to adjust the presentation design or your delivery to achieve the best results possible.
Start the Journey to Better Presentations Today!
Meet with Patti to assess your presentation needs and identify opportunities for optimization.
We'll develop a customized presentation training solution and action plan.
Participate in training and go beyond effective presentations to brilliant resultations.
If you’re a hip-hop artist and you walk on stage to perform a country-western ballad, how authentic would you be? No two artists are the same, neither are two presenters. Let me help you optimize your presentations, discover and master your natural presenting style, and achieve maximum results from every presentation you give.
– Patti Schutte, Founder & Chief Presentation Trainer