Lightning Talk Coaching and Training

Elevate your ability to deliver powerful, concise presentations with our lightning talk coaching, designed to help you refine your message, structure your talk, and speak with confidence. Gain the tools you need to captivate your audience and make a lasting impact in just a few minutes.

Be Brilliant At Conference Lightning Talks

Delivering a brilliant lightning talk can be daunting due to the constraints of time and the need for clarity and engagement. These brief, often fast-paced presentations require speakers to convey their message succinctly while capturing the audience’s attention from the start. Many struggle with distilling their ideas into a concise format, leading to presentations that feel rushed, disjointed, or lacking impact. Additionally, the pressure to perform well in such a limited timeframe can lead to anxiety, making it difficult to deliver a confident and compelling message.

Don’t let this format trip you up! Learn the secrets to going beyond basic lightning talks to absolutely brilliant – going from a simple presentation to a brilliant resultation!

Lightning Talk Coaching

Our lightning talk coaching program is designed to help you master the art of short, impactful presentations. We focus on 

  • Helping you refine your key message.
  • Structuring your talk for maximum impact.
  • Developing the confidence to deliver it with clarity and energy. 

Whether you’re preparing for an Ignite Talk(™) or any other quick-paced presentation, our coaching will equip you with the tools to engage your audience and leave a lasting impression, all within just a few minutes. Through personalized feedback and practice sessions, you’ll learn how to harness the power of brevity and make your lightning talk unforgettable.

If you’re a hip-hop artist and you walk on stage

A brilliant lightning talk packs a powerful punch—captivating your audience, distilling complex ideas into clear insights, and leaving a memorable impact in just a few minutes. Make your next lightning talk simply brilliant!

– Patti Schutte, Founder & Chief Presentation Trainer