Keynote Presentation Coaching

Our Keynote Presentation Coaching and Training gives conference keynotes the presentation design and public speaking skills to inspire, educate, and engage with audiences. Keynotes learn how to set the tone for the event and further establish the conference’s theme.

presentation training and coaching by Patti Schutte

Be Brilliant: Keynote Presentations

Are your conference keynotes poorly prepared, using too many slides, appearing nervous, being too verbose, or reciting a speech that is not perfect for your audience? 

Our Keynote Presentation Training addresses these mistakes. It gives them the skills and techniques to authentically connect, concisely clarify their message, confidently establish authority, adapt in the moment, and command the stage. 

Whether you’ve delivered hundreds of keynotes or your first one is coming soon, our presentation optimization framework, practical tools, and expert keynote training and coaching will help you excel. 

Don’t let a keynote presentation be a missed opportunity to build your brand, establish your power as a public speaker, wow audiences, and achieve desired results. Learn the secrets to going beyond effective presentations to brilliant resultations.

Keynote Presentation Coaching

Participation in our Keynote Presentation Training gives speakers the skills to design and deliver meaningful, wildly engaging keynote presentations. Specifically, participants walk away with:

  • Our Presentation Result Optimization (PRO) Framework: to clarify, create, and capture
  • Audience Connection Techniques: Genuiely build trust and emotionally connect with audiences through storytelling, appropirate humor, entertainment and education. 
  • Clear message – The keynote should have a clear message and intent, and the speaker should be authentic and be their best self.
  • Captivating delivery – The speaker should be confident and develop strategies to deal with nervousness. They should also strike a balance between entertaining and informative, and use humor effectively.
  • Adaptability – A great presenter can adjust their presentation style and content to suit different audiences and situations, and gauge the audience’s responses to adapt their approach.
  • Props / Stage Presence and Movement – Props can add extra interest to a presentation, such as humorous objects that illustrate the topic or visual aids in addition to a slide deck
If you’re a hip-hop artist and you walk on stage

A brilliant keynote speech has the power to not only captivate and inspire your audience but to establish you as a major player and thought leader in your field, opening doors to amazing opportunities and creating a lasting impact on your professional reputation. Ready to take your keynote from ordinary to extraordinary?

– Patti Schutte, Founder & Chief Presentation Trainer